Libero Search Anyword=ARGENTINA List of search items. // en-us LIBERO, Pty Ltd. Sun, 02 Jun 2024 18:39:42 GMT 5 Aproximaciones a una lectura social de la historia eclesiastica argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: CARREGAL PUGA, J.<br />Year: 1981<br /> Argentina: a Story behind a War. // Shelf: <br />Author: CORRADI, J.E.<br />Year: 1982<br /> Argentina Today: the Cultural Mood. // Shelf: <br />Author: CORRADI, J.E.<br />Year: 1987<br /> The Assessment of Universities in Argentina and Australia: Between Autonomy and Heteronomy. // Shelf: <br />Author: MOLLIS, M.<br />Year: 2002<br /> The association between parental rearing dimensions and adolescent psychopathology : a cross-cultural study. // Shelf: <br />Author: WEITKAMP, K.<br />Year: 2019<br /> La catequesis en Argentina: pasado, presente y futuro. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> Chain Migration of Italians to Argentina: Case Studies of the Agnones and the Sirolesi. // Shelf: <br />Author: BAILY, S.L.<br />Year: 1982<br /> Children in Despair: the Latin American Experience, Children and Family Law in Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: DAVID, R.P.<br />Year: 1987<br /> Condiciones de trabajo y condiciones de vida de familias campesinas y asalariados en un area rural. // Shelf: <br />Author: BENENCIA, A.R.<br />Year: 1984<br /> Consecuencias de la crisis economica sobre la poblacion joven. // Shelf: <br />Author: GAZZOTTI, A.M.<br />Year: 198411<br /> Correlates of Sociometric Status in School Children in Buenos Aires. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> La costruzione delland#39;identità femminile a partire dalla narrativa biografica. // Shelf: <br />Author: BARBIERI, M. A.<br />Year: 2004<br /> La cultura de la noche. La vida nocturna de los jóvenes en Buenos Aires. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1997<br /> Derecho de la infancia-adolescencia en America Latina: de la situación irregular a la protección integral. // Shelf: <br />Author: GARCIA MENDEZ, E.<br />Year: 1994<br /> Different religions, different politics? Religion and political attitudes in Argentina and Chile. // Shelf: <br />Author: PATTERSON, E.<br />Year: 2004<br /> El dificil crecimiento de la Iglesia argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: BALIAN DE TAGTACHIAN, B.<br />Year: 1990<br /> La dimensión religiosa en la educación pública estatal. // Shelf: <br />Author: DEL CORRAS, J.J.<br />Year: 1990<br /> A distanza: un modello per superare “la distanza” nelland#39;aggiornamento degli insegnanti. // Shelf: <br />Author: MENA, M.<br />Year: 1993<br /> Diversification in Argentine higher education: dimensions and impact of privat sector growth. // Shelf: <br />Author: DE, COHEN C. C.<br />Year: 2003<br /> Droga e criminalità. // Shelf: <br />Author: VIRGOLINI, J.<br />Year: 1988<br /> Drug Abuse in the Context of Development: Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation (Convegno Intern. “Droga e flussi informativi in Europa”: Roma, maggio 1987). // Shelf: <br />Author: UNSDRI.<br />Year: 1987<br /> Educación y sociedad en la Argentina 1880-1945. // Shelf: <br />Author: TEDESCO, J.C.<br />Year: 1990<br /> The Effects of Industrialization on Menand#39;s Attitudes toward the Extended Family and Womenand#39;s Rights: A Cross-National Study. // Shelf: <br />Author: MILLER, K.A.<br />Year: 1984<br /> Eglise dand#39;Argentine. // Shelf: <br />Author: BALIAN DE TAGTACHIAN, B.<br />Year: 1990<br /> El encuentro creativo de las madres en su vinculo con la escuela. // Shelf: <br />Author: COLOMBO, G.<br />Year: 1991<br /> An exploratory evaluation of the family meal intervention for adolescent anorexia nervosa. // Shelf: <br />Author: HERSCOVICI, C. R.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Exploring associations of positive relationships and adolescent well-being across cultures. // Shelf: <br />Author: CHUE, K.L.<br />Year: 2023<br /> Forced Resettlement and the Survival Systems of the Urban Poor. // Shelf: <br />Author: BARTOLOME, L.J.<br />Year: 1984<br /> Grupos juveniles: Análisis sociológicos. Reflexiones Pastorales. // Shelf: <br />Author: BIANCUCCI, D.<br />Year: 1994<br /> Grupos juveniles salesianos. // Shelf: <br />Author: BIANCUCCI, D.<br />Year: 1993<br /> El hoy de la catequesis en Latinoamérica. (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> La identidad específica del catequista. // Shelf: <br />Author: FERNÁNDEZ, V. M.<br />Year: 2004<br /> Identità degli italiani in Argentina. Reti sociali, famiglia, lavoro. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1993<br /> La incorporación paraguaya y brasilena en el nordeste argentino. // Shelf: <br />Author: CESAR ESPINOLA, J.<br />Year: 1982<br /> Intercultural connectors : explaining the influence of extra-curricular activities and tutor programs on international student friendship network development. // Shelf: <br />Author: HENDRICKSON, B.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Jóvenes, cultura y religión : discusión en torno a las dimensiones pertinentes para su relevamiento en Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: AZCUY, V.R.<br />Year: 2012<br /> Los jovenes del sur argentino y la paz. // Shelf: <br />Author: PIERONI, V.<br />Year: 1988<br /> Los jóvenes y el trabajo : desarrollo de competencias personales y sociales (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: AA.VV.<br />Year: 2005<br /> Los jóvenes y la vertiginosa transformación educativa, social y laboral : una aproximación socio educativa a la realidad a la/os jóvenes argentina/os. // Shelf: <br />Author: APARICIO, P. C.<br />Year: 2006<br /> Juventud Argentina e Iglesia. // Shelf: <br />Author: EROLES, C.<br />Year: 1982<br /> La juventud argentina: informe de situacion. // Shelf: <br />Author: BRASLAVSKY, C.<br />Year: 1987<br /> Lower Class Adolescents in Buenos Aires: Building up of a Life Project in a Critical Social Context. (XII Congresso Mondiale di Sociologia: Madrid, Luglio 1990) // Shelf: <br />Author: CHAPP, M.E.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Lower-Class Families, Women and the Law in Nine-Teenth-Century Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: GUY, D.J.<br />Year: 1985<br /> Mantenimiento y cambio de lengua entre los italianos del sudoeste bonaerense. // Shelf: <br />Author: FONTANELLA DE WEINBERG, M.B.<br />Year: 1984<br /> Modelos de acceso y politicas de ingreso a la educación superior. El caso de America Latina y El Caribe. // Shelf: <br />Author: GARCIA-GUADILLA, C.<br />Year: 1992<br /> andquot;News comes across when Iand#39;m in a moment of leisureandquot; : understanding the practices of incidental news consumption on social media. // Shelf: <br />Author: BOCZKOWSKI, P. J.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Los niños de la calle en America Latina. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1994<br /> Ninos de/en la calle. Un progetto di prevenzione in Argentina e Uruguay. // Shelf: <br />Author: GARCIA MENDEZ, E.<br />Year: 1989<br /> Los nuevos movimientos sociales, las culturas politicas y la democracia: Brasil y Argentina en la decada de los ochenta. // Shelf: <br />Author: MAIWARINGS, S.<br />Year: 1985<br /> Personality disorders, depression, and coping styles in Argentinean bulimic patients. // Shelf: <br />Author: GONGORA, V. C. et alii<br />Year: 2004<br /> Politica y partidos.Ejercicio de analisis comparado: Argentina, Chile, Brasil y Uruguay. // Shelf: <br />Author: DE RIZ, L.<br />Year: 1986<br /> The Politics of Adjustment and Lifelong Education: The Case of Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: SIRVENT, M.T.<br />Year: 1994<br /> Psychometric properties of the three pathways to well-being scale in a large sample of argentinean adolescents. // Shelf: <br />Author: GÓNGORA, V.C.<br />Year: 2015<br /> Reflexiones eticas sobre la huelga escolar. // Shelf: <br />Author: BORSATTI, L.M.<br />Year: 1992<br /> Reflexiones sobre la formación del estado y la construcción de la sociedad argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: OSZLAK, O.<br />Year: 1982<br /> ¿Relaciones prematrimoniales en andquot;situaciones-limiteandquot;¿. // Shelf: <br />Author: IRRAZÁBAL, G.<br />Year: 2004<br /> La “religion del pueblo” y la identidad cultural Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: SONEIRA, A.J.<br />Year: 1982<br /> Religiosidad juvenil latinoamericana y Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: LLANOS, M.O.<br />Year: 1992<br /> La religiosità carismatica cattolica : uno studio comparativo tra la situazione argentina e quella italiana. // Shelf: <br />Author: ROLDÀN, V.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Representación social de “los argentinos”, “los españoles”, “los latinoamericanos” y “los europeos” en estudiantes universitarios argentinos. // Shelf: <br />Author: ROSELLI, N.D.<br />Year: 2000<br /> The Role of Social Representations and National Identities in the Development of Territorial Knowledge: A Study of Political Socialization in Argentina and England. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> School autonomy in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina : evidence from two school district. // Shelf: <br />Author: ASTIZ, M. F.<br />Year: 2006<br /> Sexual division of labor, unemployment, and drug use in Buenos Aires underprivileged youths. // Shelf: <br />Author: MIRANDA, A.<br />Year: 2024<br /> Situación actual de America Latina. // Shelf: <br />Author: CASTRILLON HOYOS, D.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Situación religiosa de la juventud actual. // Shelf: <br />Author: BIANCUCCI, D.<br />Year: 1993<br /> Special Issue on Globally, Nationally, and Locally Patterned Changes in Higher Education (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2002<br /> Television and the Cultivation of Political Attitudes. // Shelf: <br />Author: MORGAN, M.<br />Year: 1991<br /> La transición demografica argentina: un modelo no ortodoxo. // Shelf: <br />Author: PANTELIDES, E.A.<br />Year: 1983<br /> Transitions to adulthood in contexts of economic crisis and post-recession . The case of Argentina. // Shelf: <br />Author: BENDIT, R.<br />Year: 2015<br /> Understanding the abortion experiences of young people to inform quality care in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. // Shelf: <br />Author: JACOBSON, L.E.<br />Year: 2022<br /> Valori, disvalori e antivalori tra gli studenti universitari : premesse per una ricerca empirica. // Shelf: <br />Author: JAUREGUI, I. P.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Vidas imaginarias: los jóvenes en la tele. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1997<br />