Libero Search Anyword=ATTACCAMENTO List of search items. // en-us LIBERO, Pty Ltd. Fri, 19 Apr 2024 17:29:11 GMT 5 A 7-year longitudinal study of sexual minority young men’s parental relationships and mental health. // Shelf: <br />Author: PACHANKIS, J. E.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Abuse experiences and attachment in a group of adolescents in community. // Shelf: <br />Author: FESTA, G. M.<br />Year: 2002<br /> Abuso emotivo e grave trascuratezza: la rappresentazione mentale della famiglia nei minori deprivati. // Shelf: <br />Author: ARACE, A.<br />Year: 2003<br /> Abuso verbale infantile e stile di attaccamento adulto. // Shelf: <br />Author: BETTI, S.<br />Year: 2004<br /> Adolescent attachment insecurity and parasympathetic functioning predict future loss adjustment. // Shelf: <br />Author: FAGUNDES, C.P.<br />Year: 2012<br /> Adolescent mothers in a transitional living facility: an exploratory study of support networks and attachment patterns. // Shelf: <br />Author: SCHWARTZ, A. E. et alii<br />Year: 2004<br /> Adozione e attaccamento: studio dei modelli di attaccamento in adolescenti adottati. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1999<br /> Land#39;adozione dei bambini andquot;grandiandquot;. // Shelf: <br />Author: CHISTOLINI, M.<br />Year: 2009<br /> Land#39;adozione di fratelli : tra rischio e risorse. // Shelf: <br />Author: VADILONGA, F.<br />Year: 2009<br /> Affetti e attaccamento nella famiglia. Trattamento familiare dei più gravi disturbi psichiatrici. // Shelf: <br />Author: DOANE, J.A.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Land#39;affido come base sicura. La famiglia affidataria, il minore e la teoria delland#39;attaccamento. // Shelf: <br />Author: CAMBIASO, G.<br />Year: 1998<br /> Land#39;allevamento del bambino disabile : turbe delland#39;attacamento e tratti disarmonici della personalità. // Shelf: <br />Author: SORRENTINO, A. M.<br />Year: 2009<br /> Ansia da separazione e misura delland#39;attaccamento normale e patologico. // Shelf: <br />Author: ATTILI, G.<br />Year: 2000<br /> Anxious solitude and self‐compassion and self‐criticism trajectories in early adolescence : attachment security as a moderator. // Shelf: <br />Author: PETER, D.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Aspetti depressivi nel Disturbo Bordeline di Personalità in adolescenza. Revisione critica della letteratura recente. // Shelf: <br />Author: MONNIELLO, G.<br />Year: 2002<br /> Attacamento e conflittualità genitoriale. // Shelf: <br />Author: PAPA, O.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Attaccamento ai genitori e ai pari e disagio psicopatologico : un contributo empirico. // Shelf: <br />Author: BAIOCCO, R.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Attaccamento e ciclo di vita : solo una moda o una teoria sempre valida? (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: CARLI, L.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Attaccamento e disturbi del comportamento alimentare. // Shelf: <br />Author: PRETI, A.<br />Year: 2006<br /> Attaccamento familiare: disagio e abuso del minore. // Shelf: <br />Author: SESANA, M.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Land#39;attaccamento genitori-figli, land#39;importanza dei primi contatti: un fattore di salute sottovalutato. // Shelf: <br />Author: PACCAGNELLA, M.P.<br />Year: 1992<br /> Attaccamento insicuro della madre, temperamento difficile del bambino e costruzione della relazione madre-figlio. // Shelf: <br />Author: ATTILI, G.<br />Year: 2002<br /> Attaccamento e maltrattamento (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2001<br /> Attaccamento e problemi emotivo-comportamentali in adolescenza = Attachment, emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence. // Shelf: <br />Author: COSTANTINO, E.<br />Year: 2011<br /> Attaccamento e psicopatologia dello sviluppo. // Shelf: <br />Author: BORIS, N. W. et alii<br />Year: 2002<br /> Attaccamento e rapporto di coppia. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1995<br /> Attaccamento e rispecchiamento affettivo materno : le basi neurobiologiche delland#39;empatia. // Shelf: <br />Author: AMMANITI, M.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Attaccamento e sviluppo metacognitivo : bibliografia ragionata. // Shelf: <br />Author: MAGGI, M. R.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Attachement, controle parental et comportements des adolescents en relation de conseillance. // Shelf: <br />Author: SOUCY, N.<br />Year: 2004<br /> Attachement et handicap mental à land#39;adolescence : un regard rétrospectif sur la prime enfance = Attachment and mental handicap : as a retrospective look at infancy. // Shelf: <br />Author: MICHEL, F.<br />Year: 2011<br /> Attachment : developmental pathways to affective dysregulation in young people at ultra‐high risk of developing psychosis. // Shelf: <br />Author: GAJWANI, R.<br />Year: 2013<br /> Attachment, career-choice pessimism, and intrinsic motivation as predictors of college students’ career adaptability. // Shelf: <br />Author: SHIN, Y.-J.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Attachment experience and cortisol recovery from romantic conflict among young Chinese couples: A dyadic analysis // Shelf: <br />Author: WANG, H.<br />Year: 2020<br /> Attachment in adolescence: a social relations model analysis. // Shelf: <br />Author: BUIST, K. L. et alii<br />Year: 2004<br /> Attachment Insecurity and the Distinction Between Unhappy Spouses Who Do and Do Not Divorce. // Shelf: <br />Author: DAVILA, J.<br />Year: 2001<br /> Attachment orientations : predicting psychological distress in German and Turkish samples. // Shelf: <br />Author: TURAN, N.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Attachment predicts adolescent conversions at Young Life religious summer camps. // Shelf: <br />Author: SCHNITKER, S.<br />Year: 2012<br /> Attachment security and career adaptability as predictors of subjective well-being among career transitioners. // Shelf: <br />Author: RAMOS, K.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Attachment and social support mediate associations between Polyvictimization and psychological distress in early adolescence // Shelf: <br />Author: ZERACH, G.<br />Year: 2020<br /> Attachment state of mind: implications for adjustment to college. // Shelf: <br />Author: BERNIER, A. et alii<br />Year: 2004<br /> Attachment style, relationship factors, and mental health stigma among adolescents. // Shelf: <br />Author: ZHAO, W.<br />Year: 2015<br /> Attachment Styles and Aggression in Physically Abused and Neglected Children. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2001<br /> Attachment with mother and adolescents’ conflict with romantic partner or close friend. // Shelf: <br />Author: RATTO, N.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Land#39;automobile et le sentiment dand#39;être chez-soi. // Shelf: <br />Author: DUBOIS, N.<br />Year: 2006<br /> Autonomie et conduites addictives. Quelles dépendances dans la famille? // Shelf: <br />Author: DELAGE, M.<br />Year: 2004<br /> I bambini in guerra: trauma e attaccamento. // Shelf: <br />Author: FIORAVANZO, R. E.<br />Year: 2003<br /> il bambino nella famiglia e land#39;intervento basato sulland#39;attacamento. // Shelf: <br />Author: ATTILI, G.<br />Year: 2009<br /> Una bibliografia ragionata su: attaccamento. Prima parte - Libri. // Shelf: <br />Author: BURALLI, B.<br />Year: 1999<br /> Una bibliografia ragionata su: attaccamento. 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R.<br />Year: 2004<br /> College student binge eating : attachment, psychological needs satisfaction, and emotion regulation. // Shelf: <br />Author: HAN, S.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Collegiate sexual addiction : exploring religious coping and attachment. // Shelf: <br />Author: GIORDANO, A.L.<br />Year: 2017<br /> A come abuso anoressia attaccamento... Rappresentazioni mentali nelland#39;infanzia e nelland#39;adolescenza. // Shelf: <br />Author: GIANI GALLINO, T.<br />Year: 1998<br /> Commento: rilevanza sociologica della teoria delland#39;attaccamento. // Shelf: <br />Author: BERCELLI, F.<br />Year: 1992<br /> Comparisons of close relationships : an evaluation of relationship quality and patterns of attachment to parents, friends, and romantic partners in young adults. // Shelf: <br />Author: CARON, A.<br />Year: 2012<br /> La conquista del sé. 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J.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Constellations of family closeness and adolescent friendship quality. // Shelf: <br />Author: XIA, M.<br />Year: 2022<br /> Continuità e attaccamento (Dossier) // Shelf: <br />Author: FAVA VIZZIELLO, G.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Continuità tra le relazioni dand#39;attaccamento e i legami coniugali violenti. // Shelf: <br />Author: PALLINI, S.<br />Year: 2005<br /> The contribution of attachment and social media practices to relationship development. // Shelf: <br />Author: SHERRELL, R.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Coppia e genitorialità (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: RIFELLI, G.<br />Year: 2009<br /> La coppia e la transizione alla genitorialità. // Shelf: <br />Author: IANNONE, G.<br />Year: 2009<br /> La coppia e land#39;attaccamento : Il ruolo del sostegno percepito alland#39;arrivo del primo figlio. // Shelf: <br />Author: CASTELLANO, R.<br />Year: 2009<br /> Cortisol stress response variability in early adolescence : attachment, affect and sex. // Shelf: <br />Author: CAMERON, C.A.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Cosa si cela dietro la trascuratezza? 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L.<br />Year: 2018<br /> The ecology of attachment in the family. // Shelf: <br />Author: HILL, J. et alii<br />Year: 2003<br /> Land#39;economia psichica della dipendenza patologica. // Shelf: <br />Author: MCDOUGALL, J.<br />Year: 2004<br /> Effects of attachment on coping efficacy, career decision self-efficacy, and life satisfaction. // Shelf: <br />Author: WRIGHT, S.L.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Empathy from infancy to adolescence : an attachment perspective on the development of individual differences. // Shelf: <br />Author: STERN, J.A.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Epistemological development and attachment in European college students. // Shelf: <br />Author: FARIA, C.<br />Year: 2015<br /> Les états limites au prisme de la théorie de land#39;attachement : étude sur la population de 11 adolescents dand#39;un hôpital de jour. // Shelf: <br />Author: FROTTIN, A.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Evangelizzare il sociale in Calabria. // Shelf: <br />Author: FALVO, P.<br />Year: 2007<br /> An examination of three models of relationships between parental attachments and adolescentsand#39; social functioning and depressive symptoms. // Shelf: <br />Author: LIU, Y. L.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Examining the link between adult attachment style, employment and academic achievement in first semester higher education. // Shelf: <br />Author: BEAUCHAMP, G.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Expertises pour le juge des enfants : une démarche évaluative auprès des mineurs et de leurs familles. // Shelf: <br />Author: SCHWEITZER, M. G.<br />Year: 2007<br /> Famiglie straniere, immigrazione e sfruttamento minorile : modelli delland#39;attaccamento e stili educativi a confronto. // Shelf: <br />Author: FERRETTI, M.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Family aggression and attachment avoidance influence neuroendocrine reactivity in young adult couples. // Shelf: <br />Author: KAŹMIERCZAK, M.<br />Year: 2021<br /> Family profiles of cohesion and parenting practices and latino youth adjustment. // Shelf: <br />Author: BÀMACA‐COLBERT, M. 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