Libero Search Subjects=FRANCIA List of search items. // en-us LIBERO, Pty Ltd. Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:42:46 GMT 5 Les andquot;marchés scolairesandquot; : une analyse en termes dand#39;économie de la qualité. // Shelf: <br />Author: FELOUZIS, G.<br />Year: 2007<br /> andquot;New fatherhoodandquot; in practice : domestic and parental work performed by men in France and in the Netherlands. // Shelf: <br />Author: DEVREUX, A. M.<br />Year: 2007<br /> andquot;Rational choiceandquot;, andquot;setteandquot; e andquot;ritorno del sacroandquot;. Un commento a andquot;La religione in briciole o la questione delle setteandquot; di Danièle Hervieu-Léger. // Shelf: <br />Author: INTROVIGNE, M.<br />Year: 2002<br /> La andquot;rivoltaandquot; nelle periferie urbane francesi. // Shelf: <br />Author: LA CIVILTA' CATTOLICA.<br />Year: 2006<br /> 15/19 ans. Des jeunes à decouvert. // Shelf: <br />Author: LESCANNE, G.<br />Year: 1987<br /> 2. 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