Libero Search Subjects=ALBANIA List of search items. // en-us LIBERO, Pty Ltd. Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:44:03 GMT 5 Access to the albanian VET system : social, individual and school-based barriers. // Shelf: <br />Author: XHUMARI, M.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Gli albanesi in Italia. Inserimento lavorativo e sociale. // Shelf: <br />Author: MELCHIONDA, U.<br />Year: 2003<br /> Aspects de land#39;évolution démographique en Albanie. // Shelf: <br />Author: MEKSI, E.<br />Year: 1991<br /> Beginning a Transformation of Learning in Albania. // Shelf: <br />Author: BASSLER, T.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Changing Families in Europe. (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1993<br /> Changing Issues in Vocational Education and Training: An Albanian Example. // Shelf: <br />Author: GORDON, J.<br />Year: 1995<br /> La demodernizzazione. Unand#39;indagine sul mutamento socio-culturale in Albania. // Shelf: <br />Author: ROMANO, O.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Il dossier statistico sulland#39;immigrazione. // Shelf: <br />Author: SIMONE, M.<br />Year: 2008<br /> Education of Management Capacity-Building in Poland and Albania: The Role of Work Shadowing in Personal and Professional Development. // Shelf: <br />Author: GORDON, J.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Fiducia e anomia. Ruoli femminili in Albania e nuova cittadinanza culturale. // Shelf: <br />Author: TESTONI, I. et alii<br />Year: 2003<br /> La guerra del Kosovo: un caso di “folie à deux”? Considerazioni dalla parte delland#39;infanzia. // Shelf: <br />Author: FOTI, C.<br />Year: 1998<br /> Identità nazionale, movimento e nazionalismo dei Serbi e degli Albanesi. // Shelf: <br />Author: JANJIC, D.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Immigrazione clandestina e prostituzione: dalland#39;analisi sociologica alla pratica di lavoro. // Shelf: <br />Author: DE ROSSI, C.<br />Year: 2001<br /> Making other dreams : the impact of migration on the psychosocial wellbeing of Albanian-origin children and young people upon their families’ return to Albania. // Shelf: <br />Author: VATHI, Z.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Mariage et divorce en Europe de land#39;Est. // Shelf: <br />Author: SARDON, J.P.<br />Year: 1991<br /> Nuove tendenze della criminalità minorile nelland#39;Europa delland#39;Est. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> Politiques démographiques et fécondité en Albanie. // Shelf: <br />Author: DUMANI, B.<br />Year: 1993<br /> Profilo di storia religiosa del Kossovo. // Shelf: <br />Author: MOROZZO DELLA ROCCA, R.<br />Year: 1997<br /> La prostituzione delle donne albanesi. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1999<br /> Rapporto sulla prostituzione in Italia. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1997<br /> Realtà demografica del Kossovo. // Shelf: <br />Author: ISLAMI, H.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Religione e spazio pubblico in Albania. // Shelf: <br />Author: MESI, A.<br />Year: 2006<br /> La situazione delland#39;Europa centro orientale oggi. // Shelf: <br />Author: RISALITI, R.<br />Year: 1992<br /> Small steps and big leaps in an era of cultural transition: a crisis in a traditional Kosovar Albanian family. // Shelf: <br />Author: SUZKI, C. E.<br />Year: 2003<br /> Lo sviluppo delland#39;immagine di sé in bambini albanesi implicati nel fenomeno della andquot;vendetta di sangueandquot;. // Shelf: <br />Author: GJONI, M.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Les tendances démographiques longues en Europe de land#39;Est. // Shelf: <br />Author: PAVLIK, Z.<br />Year: 1991<br /> Time perspective constructs in Albanian and Italian adolescents: axploratory analyses // Shelf: <br />Author: WORREL, F. C.<br />Year: 2021<br /> Women, Marriage and Family Traditionalism vs. Modernity in Albania. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1989<br /> Working Conditions, Work Style and Job Satisfaction among Albanian Teachers. // Shelf: <br />Author: KLOEP, M.<br />Year: 1994<br />