Libero Search Subjects=COLOMBIA List of search items. // en-us LIBERO, Pty Ltd. Mon, 06 May 2024 20:26:36 GMT 5 Achievement Evaluation of Colombiaand#39;s escuela nueva: Is Multigrade the Answer? // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1993<br /> Adolescent Concern with Social Issues: An Exploratory Comparison Between Australian, Colombian and Northern Irish Students. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2001<br /> Adolescentes colombianos. Antología de historias y testimonios. // Shelf: <br />Author: DEL PILAR DURAN, R.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Adolescentes de hoy, padres del manana: Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1989<br /> El Ano Internacional de la Juventud y el Tercer Mundo. Que hay al final del tunel? // Shelf: <br />Author: VERNOT SANTAMARIA, A.<br />Year: 1985<br /> Aproximación a la religiosidad popular eucaristica en Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: DE ROUX, R.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Aproximación al fenómeno de la Nueva Era. // Shelf: <br />Author: URREA VIERA, J.C.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Calidad de vida y neuva etica en una sociedad pluricultural. // Shelf: <br />Author: RESTRERO GONZALEZ, P.<br />Year: 1995<br /> El camino de la ética civil en Colombia. Balance y perspectivas. // Shelf: <br />Author: GARCIA DURAN, M.<br />Year: 1996<br /> La ciudad nos habita. (Proyecto Atlantida Adolescencia y Escuela - Tomo III) // Shelf: <br />Author: CASTAÑEDA, B.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Civic knowledge and open classroom discussion : explaining tolerance of corruption among 8th-grade students in Latin America. // Shelf: <br />Author: CARRASCO, D.<br />Year: 2020<br /> Colombia. Vocazioni in una Chiesa nuova. // Shelf: <br />Author: CORDUANO, N.C.<br />Year: 1991<br /> El comportamiento criminal en Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: SAMUDIO DIAZ, J.<br />Year: 2001<br /> Conduct Disordered Adolescents from a Community Sample. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1987<br /> Confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency of the suicidal ideation scale of the center for epidemiological studies depression among Colombian adolescents // Shelf: <br />Author: CAMPO-ARIAS, A.<br />Year: 2022<br /> El conflicto interno colombiano : identitad, solidaridad y conflicto social. // Shelf: <br />Author: PARALES, C.J.<br />Year: 2004<br /> La conscientisation aux défis sociaux dans la catéchèse en Colombie. // Shelf: <br />Author: MARIN TAMAYO, J.J.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Consumo y deuda en adultos jóvenes : evaluación desde un modelo integrador de la conducta económica. // Shelf: <br />Author: ORTEGA, V.<br />Year: 2005<br /> Cri dand#39;alarme contre le trafic de narcotiques et la toxicomanie. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1990<br /> Cross-national evidences of a school-based universal programme for promoting prosocial behaviours in peer interactions: Main theoretical communalities and local unicity // Shelf: <br />Author: LUENGO KANACRI, B.P.<br />Year: 2020<br /> La cultura fracturada: ensajos sobre la adolescencia colombiana. (Proyecto Atlantida Adolescencia y Escuela - Tomo I) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1995<br /> Culture as an influence on sexting attitudes and behaviors: a differential analysis comparing adolescents from Spain and Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: WACHTER, G.G.<br />Year: 2020<br /> Desarrollo moral y agentes socializadores. Construcción versus socialización. // Shelf: <br />Author: VILLEGAS DE POSADA, C.<br />Year: 1996<br /> Developmental trajectories of parental self-efficacy as children transition to adolescence in nine countries : latent growth curve analyses. // Shelf: <br />Author: BUCHANAN, C.M.<br />Year: 2024<br /> The difference biocultural and#39;placeand#39; makes to community efforts towards sustainable development : youth participatory action research in a marine protected area of Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: MCRUER, J.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Dinámica cultural televisiva: los jóvenes de la Costa Caribe. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1991<br /> Drug Abuse in the Context of Development: Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation (Convegno Intern. “Droga e flussi informativi in Europa”: Roma, maggio 1987). // Shelf: <br />Author: UNSDRI.<br />Year: 1987<br /> Educacion catolica y secularizacion en Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: RODRIGUEZ, J.<br />Year: 1970<br /> Educación integral de la persona para el amor y la sexualidad (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2003<br /> Educación sexual en Colombia. Historia y prospectiva. // Shelf: <br />Author: GONZALEZ, GONZALEZ F. G.<br />Year: 2003<br /> Education in Latin America. (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: TORRES, C.A.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Environmental harshness and unpredictability, life history, and social and academic behavior of adolescents in nine countries. // Shelf: <br />Author: CHANG, L.<br />Year: 2019<br /> Estudiar o sobrevivir? Politica de educacion superior y estratificacion del sistema universitario en Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: VELASQUEZ, F.<br />Year: 1988<br /> La experiencia de Dios en los muchachos de la calle. // Shelf: <br />Author: CARDONA RAMIREZ, H.D.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Familial impacts on adolescent aggression and depression in Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: MCCLELLAND, C. L. et alii<br />Year: 2004<br /> Familias en Colombia: un esbozo general acerca de sus cambios. // Shelf: <br />Author: PUYANA VILLAMIZAR, Y.<br />Year: 2001<br /> La famille. Modeles à suivre pour assurer des services complets de protection de la famille et de land#39;enfance. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1984<br /> Family Structure and Adolescence: the Case of the Colombian Street Children. // Shelf: <br />Author: APTEKAR, L.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Fraternidad cristiana y no-violencia. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1989<br /> From near and afar: international secondary school students’ career influences. // Shelf: <br />Author: ARTHUR, N.<br />Year: 2023<br /> Guerillas et violence: le cas de la Colombie. // Shelf: <br />Author: PECAUT, D.<br />Year: 1986<br /> Hacia la diferenciación la especialización en la educación superior. Propuesta para el caso de Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: GOMEZ, V.M.<br />Year: 1992<br /> Hacia una reflexión y planificación participativa en pastoral juvenil. Documento de trabajo. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1990<br /> How Ethnic Differences within a Culture Influence Child Rearing: the Case of the Colombian Street Children. // Shelf: <br />Author: APTEKAR, L.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Imagen, representación e ideologia. El mundo visto desde la periferia. // Shelf: <br />Author: MONTERO, M.<br />Year: 1993<br /> The impact of family financial investment on perceived parent pressure and child enjoyment and commitment in organized youth sport. // Shelf: <br />Author: RYAN DUNN, C.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Interaction of reward seeking and self-regulation in the prediction of risk taking : a cross-national test of the dual systems model. // Shelf: <br />Author: DUELL, N.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Juventud y VIH/SIDA. Una experiencia universitaria en el Caribe colombiano. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 2000<br /> Laicos y presencia de la mujer (Monogr.). // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1989<br /> Longitudinal associations between mothers’ and fathers’ anger/irritability expressiveness, harsh parenting, and adolescents’ socioemotional functioning in nine countries. // Shelf: <br />Author: DI GIUNTA, L.<br />Year: 2020<br /> Longitudinal associations between parenting and youth adjustment in twelve cultural groups : cultural normativeness of parenting as a moderator. // Shelf: <br />Author: LANSFORD, J.E.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Longitudinal relations among positivity, perceived positive school climate, and prosocial behavior in colombian adolescents. // Shelf: <br />Author: LUENGO KANACRI, B.P.<br />Year: 2017<br /> Making it on the Streets in Bogotà: A Psychosocial Study of Street Youth. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1991<br /> Measuring Attitudes Toward Violence in Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1997<br /> Media and information literacy : a measurement instrument for adolescents. // Shelf: <br />Author: CUERVO SÁNCHEZ, S.L.<br />Year: 2021<br /> El ministerio de la comunion y de la partecipacion (II p.) // Shelf: <br />Author: RODRIGUEZ, G.I.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Moving on or digging deeper : regulatory mode and interpersonal conflict resolution. // Shelf: <br />Author: WEBB, C. E.<br />Year: 2017<br /> A multi-national study of interparental conflict, parenting, and adolescent fuctioning: South Africa, Bangladesh, China, India, Bosnia, Germany, Palestine, Colombia, and the United States. // Shelf: <br />Author: BRADFORD, K. et alii<br />Year: 2003<br /> New Age. Elementos básicos para su comprensión. // Shelf: <br />Author: SALTOS BRIONES, J.V.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Niños colombianos: asi nace el futuro una visión desde la psicología. // Shelf: <br />Author: CABRERA, K.<br />Year: 1997<br /> Los niños de la calle en America Latina. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1994<br /> Niños y jovenes trabajadores. Buscando un futuro. // Shelf: <br />Author: SALAZAR, M.C.<br />Year: 1990<br /> No nacimos pà semilia. La cultura de las bandas juveniles de Medellín. // Shelf: <br />Author: SALAZAR, A.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Nueva Era (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1997<br /> Nuevos agentes educativos: una comunidad formadora. (Monogr.) // Shelf: <br />Author: HUIDROBO, F.<br />Year: 1991<br /> Opportunities, Aspirations and Urban Unemployment of Youth: the Case of Colombia. // Shelf: <br />Author: TENJO, J.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Parent–adolescent conflict, family cohesion, and self-esteem among hispanic adolescents in immigrant families : a comparative analysis. // Shelf: <br />Author: LI, Y.<br />Year: 2015<br /> Pastoral con pacientes SIDA en fase terminal. // Shelf: <br />Author: AGUILERA, L.E.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Popular Groups, Popular Culture and Popular Religion. // Shelf: <br />Author: LEVINE, D.H.<br />Year: 1990<br /> Las sectas y nuevos movimientos religioso no cristianos. // Shelf: <br />Author: ZULUAGA, F.<br />Year: 1992<br /> El silencio era una fiesta. (Proyecto Atlantida Adolescencia y Escuela - Tomo IV) // Shelf: <br />Author: PARODI, M.L.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Sistemas de evaluación educacional en America Latina. Reseña tematica y experiencias recientes. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1992<br /> Situation awareness performance in healthy young adults is associated with a serotonin transporter gene polymorphism. // Shelf: <br />Author: GONZÀLEZ-GIRALDO, Y.<br />Year: 2018<br /> Situations extrêmes de séparation en Amérique Latine (Colombie) // Shelf: <br />Author: MOLINA, A.E.<br />Year: 1994<br /> La subcultura de la violencia en Medellín. // Shelf: <br />Author: ARBOLEDA MORA, C.<br />Year: 1996<br /> Il test di Rorschach in un gruppo di giovani colombiani. Confronto con dati italiani. // Shelf: <br />Author: NAVA, V.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Todo lo que nos gusta se evapora. (Proyecto Atlantida Adolescencia y Escuela - Tomo II) // Shelf: <br />Author: PARRA SANDOVAL, R.<br />Year: 1995<br /> Trends in Technical and Secondary Education in Latin America. Tendencias de la educación secundaria y tecnico-vocational en America Latina. // Shelf: <br />Author: CORVALAN-VASQUEZ, O.<br />Year: 1991<br /> Contribución de la evaluación socioformativa al rendimiento académico en pregrado. // Shelf: <br />Author: CARDONA, S.<br />Year: 2016<br /> Understanding peace through the lens of Colombian youth and adults. // Shelf: <br />Author: SACIPA, S.<br />Year: 2006<br /> Violence exposure, aggressive cognitions andamp; externalizing behaviors among colombian youth:the moderating role of community belongingness. // Shelf: <br />Author: M. GUEVARA, A. M.<br />Year: 2022<br /> Violencia juvenil. Diagnóstico y alternativas. Memoria del seminario sobre la comuna nord-oriental de Medellín. // Shelf: <br />Author: <br />Year: 1990<br />