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People on the move.
Tag Description
001$ 42072
008$ 040927c1971 xx qu u0 0ita c
245$aPeople on the move.$hPeriodico
246$aApostolatus maris aëris migrantium exsulum nomadum itinerantium
260$aCittà del Vaticano ,$c1971-
500$aPeriodico sospeso
770$aCongresso internazionale della Pastorale per i circensi e i lunaparchisti$tVIII International Congress on the Pastoral care of circus and travelling show people on the theme: Circus and amusement parks: 'cathedrals' of faith and tradition, signs of hope in a globalized world.$w402870
774$aCongresso internazionale della Pastorale per i circensi e i lunaparchisti$tVIII International Congress on the Pastoral care of circus and travelling show people on the theme: Circus and amusement parks: 'cathedrals' of faith and tradition, signs of hope in a globalized world.$w402870
774$aPontificium Consilium de spirituali migrantium atque itinerantium cura.$tXX Plenary session of the Pontifical Concil for the Pastoral care of migrants and itinerant people, on the theme: The pastoral solicitude of the Church in the context of forced migration: a study of the document "Welcoming Christ in refugees and forcibly displaced persons" :$w407887
774$aIntegrated meeting on the Pastoral care of the road/street for the continent of Africa and Madagascar$t1st Integrated meeting on the Pastoral care of the road/street for the continent of Africa and Madagascar :$w414965
774$tIl padre dei migranti :$w204725
774$tTratti della vita del venerabile Giuseppe Marchetti, padre dei minori migranti.$w433883
852$aUPS$b39$f10576853$m39-D-626$q1(1971):1. 2(1972):2-3. 3(1973):7. 4(1974)CNR. 5(1975)CR-8(1978)CR. 9(1979)CNR-21(1991)CNR. 22(1992):59. 22(1993)CNR-27(1998)CNR. 28(1999):79.81. 29(2000)CNR-(2001)CNR. 38(2006):100. 39(2007):104. 41(2011)CNR-45(2015)CNR.$xS
856$u$3online del periodico dal 2011
984$bSubscription 1: 2013, v. 43, n. 118 - 2014, v. 44, n. 120, suppl.; Subscription 2:; Subscription 3: 2016, v. 46 n. 124 - 2016, v. 46 n. 125, 2016, v. 46 n. 125 s.


People on the move.
Tag Description
001 42072
331 People on the move.
410 Città del Vaticano ,
433 v.
501 Periodico corrente
501 Trimestrale
544 39-D-626
902 Emigrazione$xPeriodici.
902 Periodico Ebsco-Educazione.


People on the move.
Tag Description
245$aPeople on the move.


People on the move.
Tag Description
101$ ita
200$aPeople on the move.
210$aCittà del Vaticano ,$d1971
615$ Emigrazione$xPeriodici.
615$ Periodico Ebsco-Educazione.
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