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- The adolescent: his search for understanding / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 6-C-2100 1 -
Title: The adolescent: his search for understanding /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1964
Collections: Teologia morale, Pedagogia educazione.
Available at: Silo.
- Marriage: a psychological and moral approach / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(4) 2 -
Title: Marriage: a psychological and moral approach /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1968
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- Woman in modern life / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(5) 3 -
Title: Woman in modern life /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1968
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- Conscience: its freedom and limitations / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(6) 4 -
Title: Conscience: its freedom and limitations /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1971
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- Alienation: plight of modern man? / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(7) 5 -
Title: Alienation: plight of modern man? /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1972
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- Aging: its challenge to the individual and society / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(8) 6 -
Title: Aging: its challenge to the individual and society /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1974
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- Human life: problems of birth, of living, and dying / Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980 4-C-734(9) 7 -
Title: Human life: problems of birth, of living, and dying /
Author: Bier, William Christian, S.I., 1911-1980
Year: 1977
Collections: Teologia morale.
Available at: Silo.
- La legge di Cristo : trattato di teologia morale / Häring, Bernhard, C.SS.R., 1912-1998 4-C-735(2) 8 -
Title: La legge di Cristo : trattato di teologia morale /
Author: Häring, Bernhard, C.SS.R., 1912-1998
Year: 19571959
Collections: Teologia morale, Istituto storico salesiano.
Available at: Silo, Biblioteca Istituto storico salesiano Don Bosco.

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