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- La depressione / Widlöcher, Daniel La depressione /37-B-2544 1 -
Title: La depressione /
Author: Widlöcher, Daniel
Year: 1985
Collections: UPS.
Available at: Silo Not for Loan.
- La malattia chiamata uomo / Camon, Ferdinando, 1935- 37-B-2546 2 -
Title: La malattia chiamata uomo /
Author: Camon, Ferdinando, 1935-
Year: 1981
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Psychoanalytische Therapie Jugendlicher / Seiffge-Krenke, Inge Psychoanalytische Therapie Jugendlicher /37-B-2547 3 -
Title: Psychoanalytische Therapie Jugendlicher /
Author: Seiffge-Krenke, Inge
Year: 1986
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Sea usted terapeuta : escuelas sicológicas y sicoterapéuticas / Prada Ramírez, Rafael 37-B-2548 4 -
Title: Sea usted terapeuta : escuelas sicológicas y sicoterapéuticas /
Author: Prada Ramírez, Rafael
Year: 1986
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Social skills and work / Argyle, Michael, 1925-2002 Social skills and work /37-B-2549 5 -
Title: Social skills and work /
Author: Argyle, Michael, 1925-2002
Year: 1981
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Liberarsi dall'angoscia : come funziona, come s'ammala, come guarisce la vita psichica / Balestro, Piero, sac., 1938-1994 Liberarsi dall'angoscia : come funziona, come s'ammala, come guarisce la vita psichica /37-B-2550 6 -
Title: Liberarsi dall'angoscia : come funziona, come s'ammala, come guarisce la vita psichica /
Author: Balestro, Piero, sac., 1938-1994
Year: 1986
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Cognitive-behavioural approaches to psychotherapy / Dryden, Windy, 1950- Cognitive-behavioural approaches to psychotherapy /37-B-2551 7 -
Title: Cognitive-behavioural approaches to psychotherapy /
Author: Dryden, Windy, 1950-
Year: 1986
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Psychotherapieën in het geding : een structurele analyse met behulp van de psychoanalytische theorie / Derksen, Johannes Jacobus Lambertus, 1953- Psychotherapieën in het geding : een structurele analyse met behulp van de psychoanalytische theorie /37-B-2552 8 -
Title: Psychotherapieën in het geding : een structurele analyse met behulp van de psychoanalytische theorie /
Author: Derksen, Johannes Jacobus Lambertus, 1953-
Year: 1983
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Psicoterapia grupo-analítica : abordagem foulkiana: teoria e técnica / Ponciano Ribeiro, Jorge 37-B-2553 9 -
Title: Psicoterapia grupo-analítica : abordagem foulkiana: teoria e técnica /
Author: Ponciano Ribeiro, Jorge
Year: 1981
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.
- Psychoanalysis and language / Psychoanalysis and language /37-B-2555(3) 10 -
Title: Psychoanalysis and language /
Year: 1978
Collections: Psicologia.
Available at: Silo.

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