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- Per una teologia del popolo di Dio : principio unitario, forme, paradigma e prospettive / Asti, Francesco, sac., 1967- Per una teologia del popolo di Dio : principio unitario, forme, paradigma e prospettive /2-C-4317 1 -
Title: Per una teologia del popolo di Dio : principio unitario, forme, paradigma e prospettive /
Author: Asti, Francesco, sac., 1967-
Year: 2022
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- A living image of the bridegroom : the priesthood and the evangelical counsels / Cozzens, Andrew H., vesc. di Crookston, USA, 1968- A living image of the bridegroom : the priesthood and the evangelical counsels /2-C-4318 2 -
Title: A living image of the bridegroom : the priesthood and the evangelical counsels /
Author: Cozzens, Andrew H., vesc. di Crookston, USA, 1968-
Year: 2020
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Conformed to the image of His Son : reconsidering Paul's theology of glory in Romans / Goranson Jacob, Haley, 1983- Conformed to the image of His Son : reconsidering Paul's theology of glory in Romans /2-C-4319 3 -
Title: Conformed to the image of His Son : reconsidering Paul's theology of glory in Romans /
Author: Goranson Jacob, Haley, 1983-
Year: 2018
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Christ and original sin / De Rosa, Peter 2-C-432 4 -
Title: Christ and original sin /
Author: De Rosa, Peter
Year: 1967
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Uniti nel nome del Padre : una chiave per la comunione tra cattolici e ortodossi sullo Spirito Santo e il primato del Papa / Rossetti, Carlo Lorenzo, sac., 1967- Uniti nel nome del Padre : una chiave per la comunione tra cattolici e ortodossi sullo Spirito Santo e il primato del Papa /2-C-4320 5 -
Title: Uniti nel nome del Padre : una chiave per la comunione tra cattolici e ortodossi sullo Spirito Santo e il primato del Papa /
Author: Rossetti, Carlo Lorenzo, sac., 1967-
Year: 2021
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Christianity's quiet success : the Eusebius Gallicanus sermon collection and the power of the church in late antique Gaul / Bailey, Lisa Kaaren, 1974- Christianity's quiet success : the Eusebius Gallicanus sermon collection and the power of the church in late antique Gaul /2-C-4321 6 -
Title: Christianity's quiet success : the Eusebius Gallicanus sermon collection and the power of the church in late antique Gaul /
Author: Bailey, Lisa Kaaren, 1974-
Year: 2010
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Questioning the human : toward a theological anthropology for the twenty-first century / Questioning the human : toward a theological anthropology for the twenty-first century /2-C-4322 7 -
Title: Questioning the human : toward a theological anthropology for the twenty-first century /
Year: 2014
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Christ and cosmic redemption (unique and universal) : an encounter of Walter Cardinal Kasper's Spirit Christology with the Indian theology in the light of Ecclesia in Asia : (an attempt to focus on and deepen the specificity of Jesus Christ in the context of religious pluralism in India) / Almeida, Rathan Nicholas, O.C.D. Christ and cosmic redemption (unique and universal) : an encounter of Walter Cardinal Kasper's Spirit Christology with the Indian theology in the light of Ecclesia in Asia : (an attempt to focus on and deepen the specificity of Jesus Christ in the context of religious pluralism in India) /2-C-4323 8 -
Title: Christ and cosmic redemption (unique and universal) : an encounter of Walter Cardinal Kasper's Spirit Christology with the Indian theology in the light of Ecclesia in Asia : (an attempt to focus on and deepen the specificity of Jesus Christ in the context of religious pluralism in India) /
Author: Almeida, Rathan Nicholas, O.C.D.
Year: 2017
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- The one creator God in Thomas Aquinas & contemporary theology / Dodds, Michael J., O.P. The one creator God in Thomas Aquinas & contemporary theology /2-C-4324 9 -
Title: The one creator God in Thomas Aquinas & contemporary theology /
Author: Dodds, Michael J., O.P.
Year: 2020
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.
- Mercy and the rule of law : a theological interpretation of Amoris Laetitia / Bednar, Gerald J., 1946- Mercy and the rule of law : a theological interpretation of Amoris Laetitia /2-C-4325 10 -
Title: Mercy and the rule of law : a theological interpretation of Amoris Laetitia /
Author: Bednar, Gerald J., 1946-
Year: 2021
Collections: Teologia dogmatica.
Available at: Silo.

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