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- The Pesharim and Qumran history : chaos or consensus? / Charlesworth, James Hamilton, 1940- The Pesharim and Qumran history : chaos or consensus? /7-C-3582 1 -
Title: The Pesharim and Qumran history : chaos or consensus? /
Author: Charlesworth, James Hamilton, 1940-
Year: 2002
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Character and scripture : moral formation, community, and biblical interpretation / Brown, William P., 1958- Character and scripture : moral formation, community, and biblical interpretation /7-C-3583 2 -
Title: Character and scripture : moral formation, community, and biblical interpretation /
Author: Brown, William P., 1958-
Year: 2002
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Temple and worship in biblical Israel / Temple and worship in biblical Israel /7-C-3584 3 -
Title: Temple and worship in biblical Israel /
Year: 2005
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Jésus Christ, grand prêtre de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle Alliance : étude théologique et herméneutique du commentaire de saint Thomas d'Aquin sur l'Épître aux Hébreux / Guggenheim, Antoine, sac Jésus Christ, grand prêtre de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle Alliance : étude théologique et herméneutique du commentaire de saint Thomas d'Aquin sur l'Épître aux Hébreux /7-C-3585 4 -
Title: Jésus Christ, grand prêtre de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle Alliance : étude théologique et herméneutique du commentaire de saint Thomas d'Aquin sur l'Épître aux Hébreux /
Author: Guggenheim, Antoine, sac
Year: 2007
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- La radice biblica : la Bibbia e i suoi influssi sulla cultura occidentale / Stefani, Piero, 1949- La radice biblica : la Bibbia e i suoi influssi sulla cultura occidentale /7-C-3586 5 -
Title: La radice biblica : la Bibbia e i suoi influssi sulla cultura occidentale /
Author: Stefani, Piero, 1949-
Year: 2003
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo, Sala lettura 1 piano.
- Zeitenwende : [Perspektiven des Alten und Neuen Testaments] / Koenen, Klaus, 1956- Zeitenwende : [Perspektiven des Alten und Neuen Testaments] /7-C-3587(2) 6 -
Title: Zeitenwende : [Perspektiven des Alten und Neuen Testaments] /
Author: Koenen, Klaus, 1956-
Year: 1999
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Recht und Ethik im Alten Testament : Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971) Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 / Recht und Ethik im Alten Testament : Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971) Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 /7-C-3588(13) 7 -
Title: Recht und Ethik im Alten Testament : Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971) Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 /
Year: 2004
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Commento ai sette Salmi penitenziali = (Commentarium in septem Psalmos poenitentiales) / Innocentius PP. III, 1160-1216. Opere spurie e dubbie 7-C-3589 8 -
Title: Commento ai sette Salmi penitenziali = (Commentarium in septem Psalmos poenitentiales) /
Author: Innocentius PP. III, 1160-1216. Opere spurie e dubbie
Year: 2006
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- The sayings of Jesus in the churches of Paul : the use of the synoptic, tradition in the regulation of early Church life / Dungan, David L. 7-C-359 9 -
Title: The sayings of Jesus in the churches of Paul : the use of the synoptic, tradition in the regulation of early Church life /
Author: Dungan, David L.
Year: 1971
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.
- Qumran studies : new approaches, new questions / Qumran studies : new approaches, new questions /7-C-3590 10 -
Title: Qumran studies : new approaches, new questions /
Year: 2007
Collections: Bibbia.
Available at: Silo.

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