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- Cristologia da libertação em debate : ensaio sistemático-crítico a partir da cristologia de Jon Sobrino (1975-1995) / Marinot Vedoato, Giovani 21-C-11920 1 -
Title: Cristologia da libertação em debate : ensaio sistemático-crítico a partir da cristologia de Jon Sobrino (1975-1995) /
Author: Marinot Vedoato, Giovani
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- The Holy Spirit: principal agent of conversion / Ruf, Veronika 21-C-11921 2 -
Title: The Holy Spirit: principal agent of conversion /
Author: Ruf, Veronika
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- The radical demands of discipleship : an exegetico-theological study on Luke 9:57-62 / Panthamackel, Thresia, suora 21-C-11923 3 -
Title: The radical demands of discipleship : an exegetico-theological study on Luke 9:57-62 /
Author: Panthamackel, Thresia, suora
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Priests after the mind of Christ : priestly ministry in the third millennium in the Chrurch of Andhra Pradesh / Dodda, Raja 21-C-11924 4 -
Title: Priests after the mind of Christ : priestly ministry in the third millennium in the Chrurch of Andhra Pradesh /
Author: Dodda, Raja
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Tempio e corporeità: lo Spirito Santo e il corpo del cristiano : (il significato di "corpo" come tempio dello Spirito Santo) / Scaturchio, Vincenzo 21-C-11925 5 -
Title: Tempio e corporeità: lo Spirito Santo e il corpo del cristiano : (il significato di "corpo" come tempio dello Spirito Santo) /
Author: Scaturchio, Vincenzo
Year: 1998
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Il matrimanio rato e non consumato : da una visione fisicista ad una personalistico-comunionale dell'atto coniugale / Principali, Giuseppe 21-C-11926 6 -
Title: Il matrimanio rato e non consumato : da una visione fisicista ad una personalistico-comunionale dell'atto coniugale /
Author: Principali, Giuseppe
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Canonical and civil legal issues surrounding the alienation of Catholic health care facilities in the United States / Conlin, Daniel C. 21-C-11927 7 -
Title: Canonical and civil legal issues surrounding the alienation of Catholic health care facilities in the United States /
Author: Conlin, Daniel C.
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Le baptême dans l'initiation chrétienne : étude de la pratique de l'Église primitive et de celle d'aujourd'hui / Ndolomo-Bembu, Dominique, O.P. 21-C-11928 8 -
Title: Le baptême dans l'initiation chrétienne : étude de la pratique de l'Église primitive et de celle d'aujourd'hui /
Author: Ndolomo-Bembu, Dominique, O.P.
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- The Diaconia of charity in the permanent diaconate: its application to certain clerical offices as addressed in the Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons / McCarthy, John J., sac 21-C-11929 9 -
Title: The Diaconia of charity in the permanent diaconate: its application to certain clerical offices as addressed in the Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons /
Author: McCarthy, John J., sac
Year: 2000
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.
- Manuscritos teológico-filóficos coloniales santafereños / Quecedo, Francisco, O.F.M. 21-C-1193 10 -
Title: Manuscritos teológico-filóficos coloniales santafereños /
Author: Quecedo, Francisco, O.F.M.
Year: 1952
Collections: Tesi.
Available at: Silo.

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