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- El concepto de la tradición en s. Vincente de Lerins : estudio histórico-critico del "Conmonitorio" / Madoz, José, S.I. 33-C-55(5) 1 -
Title: El concepto de la tradición en s. Vincente de Lerins : estudio histórico-critico del "Conmonitorio" /
Author: Madoz, José, S.I.
Year: 1933
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- The pastoral care of souls in South-East France during the sixth century / Beck, Henry G. J. 33-C-55(51) 2 -
Title: The pastoral care of souls in South-East France during the sixth century /
Author: Beck, Henry G. J.
Year: 1950
Collections: Collane varie, Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Silo, Piano 3 Seminari.
- Il trattato "De assumptione beatae Mariae virginis" dello Pseudo-Agostino e il suo influsso nella teologia assunzionistica latina / Quadrio, Giuseppe, S.D.B., 1921-1963 2-C-1989 3 -
Title: Il trattato "De assumptione beatae Mariae virginis" dello Pseudo-Agostino e il suo influsso nella teologia assunzionistica latina /
Author: Quadrio, Giuseppe, S.D.B., 1921-1963
Year: 1951
Collections: Teologia dogmatica, Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- Il trattato "De assumptione beatae Marie virginis" dello pseudo-Agostino e il suo influsso nella teologia assunzionistica latina / Quadrio, Giuseppe, S.D.B., 1921-1963 33-C-55(52) 4 -
Title: Il trattato "De assumptione beatae Marie virginis" dello pseudo-Agostino e il suo influsso nella teologia assunzionistica latina /
Author: Quadrio, Giuseppe, S.D.B., 1921-1963
Year: 1951
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- Liturgie et langue vulgaire : le problème de la langue liturgique chez le premiers réformateurs et au Concile de Trente / Schmidt, Hermann A. P., S.I. 33-C-55(53) 5 -
Title: Liturgie et langue vulgaire : le problème de la langue liturgique chez le premiers réformateurs et au Concile de Trente /
Author: Schmidt, Hermann A. P., S.I.
Year: 1950
Collections: Liturgia, Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- Aux origines du sacrement de pénitence / Galtier, Paul, S.I., 1872-1961 33-C-55(54) 6 -
Title: Aux origines du sacrement de pénitence /
Author: Galtier, Paul, S.I., 1872-1961
Year: 1951
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- The Holy See and the Irish movement for the repeal of the union with England / Broderick, Joanne F., S.I. 33-C-55(55) 7 -
Title: The Holy See and the Irish movement for the repeal of the union with England /
Author: Broderick, Joanne F., S.I.
Year: 1951
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- The teaching of Gilbert Porreta on the Trinity, as found in his commentaries on Boethius / Williams, Michael E. 33-C-55(56) 8 -
Title: The teaching of Gilbert Porreta on the Trinity, as found in his commentaries on Boethius /
Author: Williams, Michael E.
Year: 1951
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- Nature et genèse de l'office des matines : aux origines de la prière liturgique / Hanssens, Jean Michel, S.I. 33-C-55(57) 9 -
Title: Nature et genèse de l'office des matines : aux origines de la prière liturgique /
Author: Hanssens, Jean Michel, S.I.
Year: 1952
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.
- Yahveh y su pueblo : contenido teológico en la historia bíblica de la elección / Asensio, Félix, S.I., 1909- 33-C-55(58) 10 -
Title: Yahveh y su pueblo : contenido teológico en la historia bíblica de la elección /
Author: Asensio, Félix, S.I., 1909-
Year: 1953
Collections: Collane varie.
Available at: Silo.

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