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- Pour dire Dieu / Morin, Dominique Pour dire Dieu /62.76-B-155(1) 1 -
Title: Pour dire Dieu /
Author: Morin, Dominique
Year: 1989
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Souffrir : la foi au pied du mur / Souffrir : la foi au pied du mur /62.76-B-155(2) 2 -
Title: Souffrir : la foi au pied du mur /
Year: 1990
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Croire: une espérance : parcours sur le credo / Nourissat, Daniel Croire: une espérance : parcours sur le credo /62.76-B-155(3) 3 -
Title: Croire: une espérance : parcours sur le credo /
Author: Nourissat, Daniel
Year: 1990
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Word and life / Word and life center, Manila 62.76-B-156(1) 4 -
Title: Word and life /
Author: Word and life center, Manila
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- 'Hauptsünden' des holländischen Neuen Katechismus / Kuiper, Vinzenz M., O.P. 62.76-B-157 6 -
Title: 'Hauptsünden' des holländischen Neuen Katechismus /
Author: Kuiper, Vinzenz M., O.P.
Year: 1967
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Catholic teaching today / Somerville, Francis, S.I. Catholic teaching today /62.76-B-158 7 -
Title: Catholic teaching today /
Author: Somerville, Francis, S.I.
Year: 1972
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Our message is Christ : the more outstanding elements of the Christian message / Hofinger, Johannes, S.I., 1905-1984 Our message is Christ : the more outstanding elements of the Christian message /62.76-B-159 8 -
Title: Our message is Christ : the more outstanding elements of the Christian message /
Author: Hofinger, Johannes, S.I., 1905-1984
Year: 1974
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Vom Leben des Glaubens / Guardini, Romano, sacerdote, 1885-1968 Vom Leben des Glaubens /62.76-B-16 9 -
Title: Vom Leben des Glaubens /
Author: Guardini, Romano, sacerdote, 1885-1968
Year: 1983
Collections: Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari.
- Io credo in Dio : i segreti della fede / Laurentin, René, sac., 1917-2017 Io credo in Dio : i segreti della fede /62.76-B-160 10 -
Title: Io credo in Dio : i segreti della fede /
Author: Laurentin, René, sac., 1917-2017
Year: 1996
Collections: Teologia dogmatica, Seminario di Catechesi.
Available at: Piano 3 Seminari, Silo.

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